Rats: from rat infestation to rat control

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Professional rat control, how does it work?

The black and brown rat. Anyone can be bothered by these pests. From farms to businesses and even in your home, the black and brown rat can wreak havoc on anyone. Rats are smart animals and therefore extremely difficult to control! In this blog you can read all about black and brown rats, what you can do to prevent and possibly recognize a rat infestation. And is the nuisance too great? Then call in professional help such as Van der Velden pest control service for rat control!

Rats: where do they actually come from?

The brown rat originates from East Asia. At the end of the Middle Ages, the brown rat spread in small numbers in the direction of Europe. In the 18th century, they were first spotted in Western Europe. Through trade routes and shipping, the animal has spread almost all over the world. The brown rat can be found mainly in basements, sheds, crawl spaces, and other damp places. Villages and cities in particular can be affected by the brown rat.

Black rats originate from southwestern India. It was not until the eighth century that this species reached Europe, after which it quickly spread across this continent thanks to traders and settlers. In the Netherlands, the black rat is mainly found in North Brabant, North Limburg, Zeeuws Vlaanderen in port areas and large cities.

Rat infestation: how big is the damage?

Black rats are real disease carriers. Plague, trichnose, and the hantavirus are common diseases that these animals carry. In addition to carrying diseases, black and brown rats soil food stocks with feces and urine. In addition, they also cause a lot of damage to floors, walls, pipes, cables, packaging materials and insulation materials due to their gnawing. The damage can therefore be incalculable in a very short time if you do nothing!

Recognizing Black and Brown Rat and Rat Infestation

The black and brown rat is pre-eminently a nocturnal animal and often active in large colonies. They are real group animals. A rat infestation consists of several rats. In an environment with a (high) food supply and nesting opportunities, these animals can often be found. They are real omnivores but have a preference for grains, seeds and fruits. So keep a close eye on places with a lot of food! They are climbers par excellence and love dryness and warmth.

You can recognize a rat infestation by:

  • Excrement;
  • Stench;
  • Holes in garbage bags;
  • Gnawing noise;
  • Filth.

Preventing rat infestation: can I do something about it myself?

You can take a number of important measures yourself to prevent a rat infestation. Prevention and hygiene are the key words in preventing a rat infestation. Therefore, close every opening you encounter in your house and prevent vegetation against walls. In addition, make sure that food supplies are properly sealed and make sure that fallen fruit from trees is neatly disposed of. Rat-proofing bird enclosures can also help, as can feeding birds only in winter. Do you have a fireplace? Then avoid nesting opportunities when storing firewood and inspect it regularly!

Controlling Black and Brown Rats: When a Rat Infestation Has Broken Out

When you have followed the above tips but a rat infestation has broken out, it is time to take preventive measures. To prevent further nuisance and greater damage, it is important that you hire professional pest controllers. Pest control service Van der Velden can be of service to you! Controlling rats yourself with rat poison is not recommended as rats can become resistant to this. Please contact us for our approach!

Want to know more about black and brown rats and rat control? Get in touch with Van der Velden!

Want to know more about fighting a rat infestation? Get in touch with Van der Velden! Are you bothered by black and brown rats at home? And do you want to have it combated by a professional company? We have years of experience in pest control and can therefore also help you with black rat control. Call Van der Velden Pest Control directly, 085 0290 770! We can help you directly on the phone. You can also reach us by e-mail at info@bestrijdingsdienst.nl.

Contact us via 085 0290 770

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